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Advance Certificate In Organic Facial Creams & Lotions Formulation

“Design , Create & Formulate high performing advanced facial creams and lotions”


Usually, It's $697 but you can

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Our Advanced Certificate In Organic Facial Creams & Lotion Formulation course takes your formulation skills to an advanced level that ups the effectiveness of your formulations by adding cutting-edge methods and high-tech ingredients.

Using the best cosmeceuticals (advanced active ingredients) learn to formulate a collection of luxurious, high-end facial creams to strengthen your brand and increase sales.







12 Months


100+ Hrs


Course Outcomes:

In this advance formulation course discover the techniques to master the formula of any facial cream or lotions you see in the store. You’ll not only understand the process used to create your favourite things, but you’ll also be able to tweak them to make your version far superior to the original.

Study natural emulsification, solubilization, chelation, stabilisation, and natural preservation, which are the most difficult aspects in organic cosmetic formulation.

It guides you through every step of the process so you may create your own personalised, high-performance face creams & lotions that produce noticeable effects. Learn from experienced and qualified cosmetic scientists and receive assistance at every turn.

Based on cream’s texture:

Based on cream’s functionality:

Based on cream’s application:

Discover the purposes, qualities, and advantages of a variety of natural ingredients so you can confidently choose them for your formulations.

Learn how to modify your formulas to the characteristics and requirements of various skin types and conditions.

Advanced certificate in organic facial creams and lotions formulation course is specifically designed for passionate individuals who are interested in making high performance facial creams and who also want to learn advanced techniques of emulsification , solubilisation, art of preservation, pH techniques, reverse formulation and much more.

It is an in-depth study with practical training provided to those serious about making sale-worthy organic facial creams and lotions to sell or for personal use.

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course curriculum

Organic Facial Creams & Lotion Formulation

Module 1 - Exploratory: Advanced Skin Science

Module 11

The largest organ in your body is your skin. It performs a variety of vital physiological tasks and serves as our primary window with the rest of the community. To produce high-performance skincare products, you must first understand how your skin functions.

In the first module, you will be learning about how the skin works, the physiological changes that occur as we age, and the common characteristics of different skin types, tones, and concerns to create products that are suitable for oily, sensitive, dry, combination, and ageing skin, as well as concerns like hyperpigmentation and much more.

Understand the structure of a human cell to learn how it can block or channel particular cosmetic components. Investigate percutaneous absorption, which is one of the most crucial concepts for any skincare formulator to learn.

Lesson 1 : Advance Skin Science (The secret life of your skin)

  • Study the history of beauty cosmetics in detail.
  • Study the secret life of your skin.
  • Learn about basic and advanced anatomy and physiology of the skin with interesting presentations.
  • Learn the easy but deep identification of layers of the skin.
  • Study the important skin types much needed for product development.

Lesson 2 : Human Cell Biology

  • To learn something thoroughly we need to know the smallest details. In this lesson you will study about the detailed unit of the body “The Cell”.
  • Learn how a human cell works.
  • Discover the inside – outside components of a cell with fun facts.

Lesson 3 : The importance of skin barrier, pH and acid mantle

  • We have armies to protect our country on the borders. Guards in our building gates.
  • How can a human skin not have anything guarding it against the pathogens or other harmful molecules? We do have a skin barrier. So, in this lesson you will study the importance of the skin barrier and how to keep it in its finest condition.
  • In this lesson get an idea on how our skin also maintains a specific pH range and an acid layer.
  • In addition, learn about the causes that affect acid mantle pH, the symptoms of a broken acid mantle pH, and how to preserve and repair the acid mantle.

Bonus Study : Role of melanin and sebum

Understand the fundamentals of skin colour and tone.

Learn the significance of melanin and sebum.

Bonus Study : TEWL and NMF

-Study the role and importance of TEWL and NMF of the skin.

Lesson 4: Skin Conditions

  • Study about 12 different skin conditions.
  • Discover symptoms, causes and prevention of each type of skin condition necessary for designing a skincare product.
  • Learn how the skin ages, the physiological changes that occur as it ages, the obvious indicators of ageing skin.
  • Discover how skincare products can help to enhance the appearance of aged skin.

Lesson 5:  Skin Penetration 

  • Learning cosmetics requires knowledge about skin penetration. If you do not know what happens to the products applied on the skin and how it happens, then you cannot really formulate and analyse your product technically. For that, learning about skin penetration is important. 
  • Discover how skin penetration occurs with factors affecting it.
  • Learn to improve the penetration of skin care products.

Note: Discover and take the most from this lesson. It has in-depth research and knowledge about information you would never find at one single place.

Lesson 6  : Brief study on exfoliation

  • In this lesson you will be learning  what is exfoliation and techniques of  exfoliating the skin?
  • Discover the  importance of exfoliation
  • Acknowledge how does skin exfoliate
  • Know the advantages and disadvantages of exfoliation
  • Learn the difference between chemical and physical exfoliation
  • Discover the examples of chemical and physical exfoliation with explanation
  • Learn the things to consider while formulating exfoliating products.
  • In this lesson we have also broadly discussed different types of acids.
  • Analyse what are acids in cosmetic products?
  • Know how to formulating with natural acids for 
  • Learn Why, When and how to use acids in formulations

Bonus : Get a perfect detailed skincare routine to offer your customer.

Module 2- Advanced classification of Facial creams and lotions ingredients

Module 12

You must have heard “Ingredients are the product”.

So on this note by thoroughly investigating your ingredients, you can develop into a master formulator.

Learn to investigate many cosmeceuticals and other organic skincare ingredients for your formulations. Learn how to include various high performance organic and certified ingredients into your facial care products in this module.

Lesson 1: General Classification of ingredients

  • In this lesson you will be learning about the main conditions to be considered when using and selecting the raw materials / ingredients.
  • We have broadly discussed each category of raw materials used in making a skincare product.

Lesson 2: Facial Creams foundational ingredients with types

  • Analyse what a cream is technically.
  • Overview of the market availability of different types of creams.
  • Understand the types of raw materials / ingredients used in formulating high performance facial creams.
  • Learn about the function of each ingredient used in a facial cream formula.
  • Understand the design of facial cream and its formulation.

Lesson 3: Introduction to cosmeceuticals

  • Learn what cosmeceuticals are and their types.
  • Get a brief understanding on how to choose cosmeceuticals for the skin.
  • Learn how to choose the most effective cosmeceutical ingredients for the best results.
  • Acknowledge advantages and disadvantages of cosmeceuticals.

Lesson 4: Natural Cosmeceutical Family

  • Study how cosmetics transform into cosmeceuticals.
  • Learn and discover natural cosmeceutical classification.
  • This lesson covers in depth the role of each cosmeceuticals classification with fun facts.
  • Discover natural cosmeceutical categories.
  • We will be covering  antioxidants, hydroxy acids, EFA’s, Lipids, Proteins, Natural Moisturisers, Vitamins, Minerals, Botanical Actives and much more with examples.

Lesson 5 – Using Cosmeceutical in formulation

  • Learn key points to consider while using cosmeceutical in formulation.
  • Gain knowledge about incorporating cosmeceutical in formulations.
  • Learn how to add in antioxidants, hydroxy acids, EFA’s, Lipids, Proteins, Natural Moisturisers, Vitamins, Minerals, Botanical Actives and much more. In addition, learn how they work in a formula.

Note: You will be learning a lot more as we constantly update our course. Get lifetime access to unlimited information.

Useful Guides : Learn, Design, Formulate, Make

  • Get proper guidance on researching ingredients for your formula.
  • Learn about the compatibility of ingredients to make sure about safety and performance.
  • Study the characteristics on how to substitute ingredients for your formulations.
  • Learn how to choose suppliers for your ingredients.

Bonus : Research and Development with examples

  • Lesson – A-Z formulation dictionary
  • Lesson – Carrier Oils Manual
  • Lesson – Essential Oils Manual

 Module 3- Curated Advance formulation foundation

Module 13

In this ever growing industry of personal care products, innovation is the key to success.

Manufacturers for cosmetics and personal care products need to continuously evolve and innovate new ideas and products that are functional.

There are numerous types of creams available in the market today. Learn how they are classified and structured on the basis of their content and behaviour.

Lesson 1 : What are creams and it’s foundation

  • This lesson covers the origins and function of facial creams.
  • It teaches you to identify the different types of creams widely available in the market.
  • Understand the structure of facial creams and understand the structure of different types of facial creams.

Lesson 2 : Genre of Emulsion and creams

  • Understanding of emulsification.
  • This lesson will teach you what ingredients go into facial creams and why.
  • Learn and acknowledge differentiation of facial creams.
  • This lesson provides high end knowledge about creams and it’s ingredients.

Bonus : Basics of understanding a formula

Bonus – Development of product professionally – A Basic Facial Cream Challenge

New Product Development processes should hence be optimised in order to survive in the market. Learn how to develop a product professionally and their main stages needed for development from scratch.

Lesson 3: Classification of Facial Creams

-Covers 34 different types of facial creams on the basis of their classification.

-Study the mechanism of each type of facial creams.

-Get a brief on composition of each type of creams like :

  • Cleansing creams
  • Day Cream
  • Night Cream
  • Cold Creams
  • Vanishing and Foundation Creams 
  • Moisturising Cream
  • All purpose cream
  • Anti-Aging Cream
  • Face Balm
  • Massage Creams
  • Under eye cream
  • All purpose creams
  • Superfood facial creams 
  • Vitamin C in Facial Creams
  • Rich in Antioxidant facial Creams
  • Exfoliating Facial Creams
  • Sprayable emulsions

-Study an overview of 20 different types of creams

Lesson 4 : Structural Formulation of Facial Creams

  • Learn the development of a range of basic and advanced facial creams to address the market need.
  • Investigate and evaluate ingredients used on the basis of classification of creams.
  • Acknowledge principles in the selection of ingredients for formulating or making a facial cream.
  • Gain knowledge about how a cream penetrates into the skin and how to enhance it.

Example : Product development and launching them

Bonus : Benchmarking a cream / lotion

Bonus : Making / Conceptualising  facial creams for different skin types.

  • Introduction and a great insight on characteristics of 5 different skin types i.e Normal Skin Type, Dry Skin Type, Oily Skin Type, Combination Skin Type, Sensitive Skin Type.
  • Study the different aspects in formulating for different skin types.
  • Learn how to conceptualise an idea of a formula – Put the concept to practice and start working one by one.
  • Discover multiple rules for formulating for all skin types with examples.,

You will also be learning the key points for formulating a product for :

  1. Normal Skin Type
  2. Dry Skin Type
  3. Oily Skin Type
  4. Combination Skin Type
  5. Sensitive Skin Type
  6. Acne prone skin type
  7. Mature and ageing skin type
  • Study the characteristics, anomaly and solution for each skin type stated above.
  • Find the listed ingredients to obtain the function and properties of each skin type.
  • Learn to work on the formula for each skin type.
  • You will also learn to finalise a formula / recipe to get the desired result for each type.
  • Get afterthought / insight of each type.

Module 4 - Methods and expertise:

Module 14

Before beginning to create the actual products, it is crucial to finish all the necessary preparations so in this module study natural emulsification, solubilization, chelation, stabilisation (ph techniques), reverse formulation , custom formulation and natural preservation, which are the most difficult aspects in organic cosmetic science.

You will get pre-formulation abilities that will help you formulate advanced creams and lotions more expertly.

Lesson 1 : Master emulsification Bundle

  • Study what is emulsification?
  • Discover advanced techniques of emulsification.
  • Study 5 different types of emulsification and its process.
  • Study how natural emulsifiers differ from synthetic emulsifiers.
  • Learn about natural emulsifiers and their function.
  • Discover why, when, how to use emulsifiers in a formula?
  • It also covers the identification and selection of appropriate emulsifiers.
  • Learn about things to consider while choosing an emulsifier for your formulations.
  • Learn how to improve the stability of emulsions with many different techniques.
  • This lesson also covers hot process and cold process emulsifiers.
  • Learn how to know the difference between emulsion processes.
  • Learn about the science behind O/W emulsion & W/O emulsion with  brief techniques.
  • You will learn to formulate a variety of facial creams / lotions involving the mixing of two or more immiscible substances.
  • You will learn to formulate with emulsifiers to attain specific performance attributes.
  • Discover examples of natural emulsifiers and how to work with them.

Lesson 2 : Everything about  solubilisation

  • This lesson covers what solubilisation is and the science behind solubilisation.
  • Study the advanced techniques of solubilisation.
  • Learn the difference between natural and synthetic solubilizers.
  • It covers why, when, and how to use a solubilizer in a formula.
  • Learn how to choose solubilizers for your formulation.
  • Discover examples of natural solubilizers and how to work with them.

Lesson 3- What is Chelation?

  • In this lesson you will study what is chelation and the science behind chelation.
  • Acknowledge the mechanism of chelator’s.
  • Understand the difference between natural and synthetic chelators.
  • Learn when, why and how to use a chelator in formulation.
  • Briefly understand how to choose chelating agents for your formulation.
  • Discover examples of natural chelators and how to work with them.

Lesson 4- Art of Preservation

  • Briefly understand what is preservation and science behind it.
  • Master the technique of preservation of cosmetics.
  • Discover how different preservatives function.
  • Study the identification and evaluation of suitability of various preservatives in their application to a facial cream / lotion formulation.
  • Learn the techniques to choose natural  preservatives for different types of formulations.
  • Discover examples of natural preservatives and how to work with them.

Lesson 5 : Brief study on pH and techniques

  • Learn what pH is briefly.
  • Get a case study on the pH of our skin.
  • Acknowledge how pH affects the skin.
  • Study why pH of cosmetic products is important, learn about the right pH for cosmetics and how to check the pH balance of cosmetics.
  • Learn how to maintain a balanced skin pH.

Bonus : How to determine the shelf life of a product?

Bonus : Expiring dates of cosmetics

Lesson 6: Reverse Formulation Technique

  • Introduction to reverse formulation
  • Study what is reverse formulation.
  • Discover why learning to reverse formulate is useful.
  • Learn techniques on how to and where to begin reverse formulation.
  • Study how to create and revise prototypes with useful tips.

Note : You will be learning a lot more as we constantly update our courses.

Lesson 7 : Custom Formulation Brief

  • Brief introduction to custom formulation with insightful summary.
  • Study the process of creating a custom cosmetic formulation.
  • Learn how much does it cost to create a custom formulation.
  • Discover what exactly does custom formulation involve and when is custom formulation right.
  • Brief on formulation realities.
  • Learn the process of making custom formulations.
  • Learn how to semi customise an essential formula.

Module 5- Formulating high performing facial creams and lotions 

Module 15

It’s time to put the theory into practice and start creating your own advanced facial creams and lotions with the theory you have studied on high performance ingredients, science genre of facial creams , methods , and advanced formulation techniques.

In this module you will be levelling up your formulation game.

Discover and formulate 30 Advanced creams and lotion formulations.

1 – Formulate : Intense Hydration Vitamin E Facial Cream

2 – Formulate : Brightening Radiance Day Cream with Vitamin C

3 – Formulate : Vitamin B5 Facial cream 

4 – Formulate : Radiant renew multi-vitamins night cream 

5 – Formulate : Collagen Boosting Facial Cream with multi peptides

6 – Formulate : Advanced Active Brightening overnight cream masque

7 – Formulate : Overnight resurfacing cream with AHA + BHA

8 – Formulate : Probiotic hydrating night repair cream

9 – Formulate : Intense glow moisturiser with skin superfood 

10 – Formulate : 3x Lipids Rejuvenating sleeping facial cream

11 – Formulate : Multi tasking facial cream + lotion with 15% Marula

12 – Formulate : Midnight Skin Calming Cream with black tea 

13 – Formulate : Rice and ceramides moisturising cream

14 – Formulate : Advanced Renewing Cream with Calendula + Honey dew

15 – Formulate : Advanced facial glow gel cream

16 – Formulate : Advanced Purifying day cream with green seeds

17 – Formulate : Ultralight moisturising lotion

18 – Formulate : Daily Intensive moisture balance facial lotion

19 – Formulate : Apple + Licorice Pigment correction cream 

20 – Formulate : Multi Functional Gel – Butter Cream

21 – Formulate : Slay with coconut milk face and body lotion

22 – Formulate : Calendula infused Body Lotion

23 – Formulate : Shea + Cocoa Intense moisturising body lotion

24 – Formulate : Super smooth daily body moisturiser

25 – Formulate : Rapid Age Repair Cream with Bakuchiol

26 – Formulate :  Wrinkle Smoothing Face Cream with greens 

27 – Formulate : Hydrating & Rejuvenating Foot cream

28 – Formulate : Firming Under Eye Cream with essential eye ingredients

29 – Formulate : Botanical power high performing facial cream

30 – Formulate : Fruit power Enzyme overnight treatment

Module 6 : Evaluation of facial creams

Module 16

When any Product manufacturer or formulator begins to formulate a product his first concern is, how to maintain the stability of the product he has designed?

Well, the purpose of establishing stability in a cosmetic product is to ensure that the product maintains its intended physical, chemical and microbiological quality, as well as functionality and aesthetics when stored under appropriate conditions.

You will discover exactly these in this module.

Lesson 1 – Introduction to stability testing and its importance

  • Get a brief on stability testing.
  • Acknowledge behaviour of a stable cosmetic formulation product with examples.
  • Learn to measure the stability of a formula. 

Lesson 2- Learn to setup your testing lab

  • Covers the parameters of products that can be tested subjectively.
  • In this lesson you will discover the most important components of your testing lab.
  • Study the important sensory tests.
  • Learn how to maintain a lab and how to choose equipment for setting up your lab.

Lesson 3- Embedding stability testing in your business

  • Learn about the importance of stability testing.
  • Study why it is important to embed stability testing into your business.
  • Discover stability problems in the mainstream industry.
  • Study about the reasons you need to test for stability.
  • Learn how to choose the right stability test.

Lesson 4 – Types of stability test

  • Learn about 20 different types of stability tests in detail with various aspects and important points.
  • Study the importance of conducting 20 different stability testings.
  • Cover why, how and when you should conduct these tests.
  • Acknowledge how to interpret the results with visual characteristics.
  • Get a brief conclusion of the most important and recommended stability tests.
  • Advance introduction to stability testing.
  • Learn about forms of stability tests.
  • Discover 7 steps for conducting a cosmetic formula stability test.
  • Study the properties to be checked in a finished formula.

Note – We have covered 20 different types of stability testing at one go with visual graphics and tables. 

Lesson 5- Introduction to Evaluation of cosmetics

  • Get a brief knowledge of evaluation of cosmetics
  • Learn how a cosmetic product evaluation is done with 4 important steps.

Bonus : How to determine the shelf life of a product?

Bonus : Choosing packaging for cosmetics 

Bonus : Expiration of cosmetics

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Our daily skincare routine will not be complete without face cream or a lotion.

No wonder: according to recent scientific studies, if we want to protect our skin from tension, harmful environmental effects, and ageing problems, we need to use facial cream. What is, therefore, the ideal face cream formula?

It’s important to keep your skin hydrated if you want to maintain the radiant, soft look. A fine, natural face cream should be effective while also being free of chemicals. Learn about the common ingredients used in most traditional and modern moisturisers.

The formulas and guidelines in this course illustrate the effectiveness of natural products and how to incorporate them in your everyday life. Combining these in innovative ways gives you full control over the ingredients in your formulations.

the formulations you will learn in this course are:

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Meet Your Advanced Formulation Course

The only Affordable course you will ever find in the world

Our Advanced Certificate In Organic Facial Creams & Lotion Formulation course takes your formulation skills to an advanced level that ups the effectiveness of your formulations by adding cutting-edge methods and high-tech ingredients.

Using the best cosmeceuticals (advanced active ingredients) learn to formulate a collection of luxurious, high-end facial creams to strengthen your brand and increase sales.


Our Courses Is Built On Three Fundamental Values:


In order to excel in a field, you have to be consistent with your efforts and practice in the workplace. You have to diligently invest time and consistently grow so that you can be successful. The Skincare course also requires you to learn and Study the sciences of skin along with formulation techniques and ingredients to become a professional.


Once you are proficient in the skills and knowledge of formulation, you are set to use them in your own space and style. At the end of each module in the course, we have worksheets that help you test yourself and from there on, you can innovate to reach the next step. The art of formulation is a tangent of innovation in itself as with each new product, you innovate the formula you have used and create something different.


The truth is you have to be a professional in an area to be able to make money in it. Every study requires you to spend time learning, practicing and revising until you are proficient in application. As you become familiar with the procedures, you build expertise and mastery in the field.

This course is for you if:

advance certificate in organic facial creams lotions e1659722943700

LEARN CANYON concentrates on guiding you with your formulations and aiding the growth and development of your business model. We make sure you’re among the top players in the league.


The real challenge here is to ensure quality beauty goods that uphold the purpose of a green economy. If shelves are stacked with products made with synthetic ingredients, harmful chemicals, or toxins, the whole idea behind beauty becomes a facade.

We Have Exactly What You Need!

  • A course that teaches 100% authentic formulations with organic inputs; value and experienced education; and a stepping stone to start building your brand.
  • Learn Canyon and its advanced course is one of a kind. It is a comprehensive course that will teach you important things about skin, how to formulate a product, prepare and launch your own brand, and how to hoist your flag in the industry.
  • The course is made of extensive modules, study material and comes with added benefits.

This is it! this is your miracle! This is the life-changing experience you were looking for! Come make your formulation butterfly flutter with us!

I really appreciate your input in the haircare course. The course has so many professional formulas which is why it is so great. I am really glad and happy that I enrolled in the course. Thank you team Learn Canyon for your one on one support and for helping me grow.
“Enrolled for your Organic Skincare Formulation course and already loving your student support and help. For course content, i would like to tell everyone that I have never seen so much content in one single course. I am finding the course very helpful and hoping to start my business soon”​
After enrolling to skincare course by Learn Canyon , I found that formulating is so much fun. You guys guided me through every steps. Thankyou for this, you guys deserve a big fat applause. I really appreciate your hard work.
Let me tell everyone that your courses value for money. GAINED so much knowledge in one go. The modules are so organized and explained so well. ACHIEVED my goal “tears of joy”.

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Career options with our courses:

 Have you been thinking about a career in the skincare industry? 

Do you consider the possibilities of becoming a beauty expert?

Do you wonder what you’re going to do after finishing a course in skincare formulation? 

How do you plan to launch yourself in the market? Are you willing to put your skills and ideas about skin and hair to good use?👩🏻‍💼

You are in the right place. We will tell you how you can unlock your potential in the beauty industry! 🏭

🌾 Success will be ready to knock on your door as soon as you complete the diploma in organic skincare formulation course from Learn Canyon.

Our skincare formulation courses aren’t just curriculum. It’s much more! 🧪

 1) Launch and create a whole business🤝

2) Formulate gorgeous products for yourself, friends, families, customers👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

3) Build an empire when you complete the course🛠

4) Interact with experts in the field to establish a network of your own🕸

5) Grow as a person and a brand as you unfold your wings 🦋

Wondering who can formulate?

100% natural

Here are some career options summarized for you. 


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Frequently Asked Questions

STEP 01 – Check the course you are buying, tap on the Purchase button and make your payment through your choice of a payment method. (Easy peasy!)

STEP 02 – Check your email to receive a confirmation from our end with your login details. Ensure everything went through smoothly! (Yay!)

STEP 03 – The welcome email will be your addition to our community. You will be given access to a student dashboard where we will make both the skincare and the haircare course available to you.

STEP 04 – The Advanced course can be pursued at one’s own pace. It is given to you with lifetime access and we keep updating the course once in a while. The mentor support is provided to your for 12 Months. You should pace yourself but if you are in a hurry to fulfill your dreams, then you can go through the course in very less time. It has case studies, videos, multimedia study material and a lot more so that you leave no stone unturned to be a formulator.

STEP 05 – As you navigate through the course, you will find several perks that we have shared with you. We give you formulation bonuses with branding, marketing and packaging tips that you will need to label and sell your products on the market.

STEP 06 – Become a ROCKSTAR! Change the beauty game by just becoming a part of it. Be seen as a messiah as you help people achieve wonderful skin and hair. Turn your hobby into a cash-generating business, convince the world to be organic and make numerous fans and followers! Expand your brand and yourself as a brand!

The duration for Advanced certificate in organic facial creams and lotion formulation course is 12months. You can finish the course before the given period of time and take certification.

The course includes information, instructions, and direction on how to create safe, stable, and effective products for the market, as well as pre-market testing. GMP and pre-market testing enable you to create goods that are safe, stable, and effective.

Many materials in various countries are available through this course. Students from all over the world enrol in our classes. Ingredients that are typically easy to get are chosen. You can also look for raw material and cosmetic ingredient suppliers in your area, as well as in other countries, to discover who is willing to ship to you.

After you pay for the course, you will immediately get access to the course and its training materials.

Yes. All our courses are certified by Excellence Certification Service Uk and The International Organization for Standardization.

What does The International Organization for Standardization states:

  • It focuses on more practical approaches for higher quality management.
    It lays more emphasis on dedication from top-level management.
  • It focuses on better tracking of threats & opportunities in an orderly and judicious way.
  • It has a simple but comprehensive language that covers various management aspects.
  • Students will receive certifications from “SKINISH” trading as “LEARN CANYON”. The certifications will be provided after the completion of the courses. Learn the theory and practice art of formulating cosmetic products via multimedia online courses.
  • Please remember that no certification or accreditation certifies you for the manufacture and sale of skincare products.
  • Our courses will give you the knowledge to formulate and manufacture cosmetic products of high quality, but in order to market them, you will need to ensure compliance with cosmetic regulations.

No need to wait for any seasonal takens. We have courses available for you that you can enroll in whenever and wherever you are from. Choose your course, BUY IT and start learning how to be a formulator.

We offer personalised training for every individual enrolled in the programme. Each student will have their personal mentor receiving very interactive sessions to understand and to concentrate on individuals specific needs, pertaining to their speciality in their line of work and working conditions to resolve.


Once you enroll in the course, you will be sorted with your personal mentor meaning Each student will have their personal mentor receiving very interactive sessions to understand and to concentrate on individuals specific needs, pertaining to their speciality in their line of work and working conditions to resolve.

You can communicate with your mentor anytime you would prefer and he / she will revert back to you.

At Learn Canyon you will be guided through all the different stages of formulations, knowledge about ingredients and working with them.

The courses are designed to improve the skill in formulations and steps to take further for starting a skincare and haircare business.

What Are you waiting for?


Copyright © 2021 | Learn Canyon

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