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Why is Black Tea Extract Beneficial for Your Skin

Black tea extract powder is made from pure black tea and is high in polyphenols.
Why is Black Tea Extract Beneficial for Your Skin
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    Why is Black Tea Extract Beneficial for Your Skin?

    Black tea gives a (sometimes essential) burst of caffeine for non-coffee drinkers to battle morning fatigue or afternoon slumps. After a hard day, sipping a cup of tea can be really calming, but did you know that this herbal medicine also has some fantastic skin-care properties?

    What is Black tea extract?

    Aside from water, black tea is one of the world’s most popular beverages. It is made from the Camellia sinensis plant and is frequently mixed with other plants to create varied flavours, such as Earl Grey, English breakfast, or chai. It has a stronger flavour and has more caffeine than other teas, but not as much as coffee. Because it includes antioxidants and chemicals that can help reduce inflammation in the body, black tea has a variety of health benefits.

    What is it? Black tea extract powder is made from pure black tea and is high in polyphenols.
    INCI Organic Camellia Sinensis (black tea) extract
    Appearance Clear to hazy yellow to amber liquid
    Texture Watery liquid
    Recommended Usage 1-10%
    Solubility Water-soluble
    Melting point NA
    Boiling point NA
    pH 3.0-6.0
    Aroma Characteristics odor
    Why do we include it in formulations? Anti-oxidant, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory characteristics help you maintain a healthy and beautiful complexion.
    How to work with it? To the water phase, add this extract.
    Applications The polyphenols and other phytochemicals in black tea extract are still abundant. In cosmetics, black tea is known to hydrate, brighten, and improve skin tone and texture, as well as provide long-term moisturising, firming, and brightening effects.
    Absorption rate Fast
    Strength Antioxidants are abundant in black tea extract.
    Weaknesses Allergic responses are possible with any botanicals.
    Substitution Green tea
    How to store it? Store refrigerated (4-8oC / 39-46oF)
    Shelf life Black tea extract has a 12-month shelf life.
    Type of ingredient Anti-inflammatory, Refreshing, Exfoliating, Brightening.
    Main benefits Black tea provides a firming and toning effect. Its high antioxidant content, such as vitamins C and E, makes it perfect for use in cosmetics.
    Who should use it Suitable for all skin types
    How often can you use it? Once a week
    Works well with Most of the skincare ingredients
    Doesn't work with Don’t use with actives
    How to use Include in the water phase

    Mechanisms of action

    Black tea contains antioxidants and polyphenols, which have been shown to help our skin age more slowly. We can preserve our skin from wrinkles by drinking tea or utilising tea bags on our faces. According to research, black tea inhibits the expression of a gene that produces a collagen-degrading enzyme. In addition, according to the study, black tea is more beneficial than other varieties of tea in eliminating wrinkles.

    Benefits of Black tea extract

    The benefits of black tea for your skin include giving your body enough firepower to fight infections and blemishes. It also helps to slow down the ageing process and minimise puffiness, while the polyphenols and tannins in the drink are thought to promote skin cell renewal.

    Prevents Infections of the Skin

    The skin is the largest organ in the body, and many people are unaware that it is always working to keep our bodies healthy and safe. Yes, it is sensitive and requires special attention. Did you know that microbial colonisation causes the majority of skin infections? Tea’s catechins and flavonoids are thought to aid in the prevention of skin infections. Therefore, in addition to consulting a reliable dermatologist, if you find that you frequently suffer from some sort of skin infection, it is recommended that you drink a cup of black tea to speed up the healing process.

    Prevents the onset of premature ageing

    Your skin is continuously exposed to harsh sunlight, pollution, and the hazards of a daily commute, resulting in premature ageing for no reason. Tea’s antioxidants and polyphenols, on the other hand, can help protect your skin from premature ageing and wrinkle formation.

    UV Protection

    You’re always on the go, and you frequently forget to apply sunscreen. While you may not realise it, not using sunscreen on a daily basis exposes your skin to UV radiation, which is one of the primary causes of skin pigmentation, skin cancer, and other skin disorders. According to studies, drinking black tea can help preserve the skin and boost its ability to battle diseases caused by excessive UV exposure. Apart from drinking black tea to protect your skin, you may also use it topically to soothe it.

    Side effects of Black tea extract

    Black tea, when used in moderation, can provide a wide range of health advantages. Excessive drinking, however, might be harmful to one’s health. Caffeine in black tea might induce adverse effects when consumed in large quantities. According to studies, drinking black tea can help preserve the skin and boost its ability to battle diseases caused by excessive UV exposure. Apart from drinking black tea to protect your skin, you may also use it topically to soothe it.

    How to use it in formulation?

    Black tea extract is common in anti-cellulite, firming, and slimming cosmetics. Caffeine is the principal active element in the tea, and it is commonly used as an anti-cellulite agent. It can be utilised as a pure compound or as a component in a green tea extract. Add this extract to the water phase.

    Work well with other ingredients

    Work well with most of the skincare ingredients.


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