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Gotu Kola Extract: Benefits of Tiger Grass

Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica) leaf extract dissolved in glycerin and water base. Pentacyclic triterpenoids found in Gotu Kola are employed in irritated and sensitive skin products.
Gotu kola extract _ Also known as tiger grass
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    Gotu Kola Extract

    I have two Coca-Cola cans! That’s not right, can it? Are you interested in visiting a koala? Nope… But wouldn’t that be adorable? Yes, I’m talking about Gotu Kola. That’s it; GO-too KOE-la. Words are difficult to come by. Taking care of your skin, on the other hand, doesn’t have to be difficult, especially with Gotu Kola on your side! But what precisely is it now that we know how to pronounce it?

    What is Gotu kola extract?

    Centella asiatica, commonly known as gotu kola, pagaga, Indian pennywort, Asiatic pennywort, or brahmi, is an ancient perennial herb endemic to the marshes of India and other regions of Asia. It’s been utilised in Pan-Asian, holistic, and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, and it’s commonly referred to as the “plant of longevity and healing.”


    What is it? Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica) leaf extract dissolved in glycerin and water base. Pentacyclic triterpenoids found in Gotu Kola are employed in irritated and sensitive skin products.
    INCI Centella Asiatica (gotu kola) extract
    Appearance Light to medium amber liquid
    Texture Clear Liquid
    Recommended Usage 1 - 10%.
    Solubility Water-soluble
    Melting point NA
    Boiling point NA
    pH 4-7
    Aroma Characteristic odor
    Why do we include it in formulations? Gotu kola is high in triterpene saponins, a substance that helps keep skin tight and firm, as well as flavonoids, which function as antioxidants and protect against free radical damage.
    How to work with it? Add it to your formulation's water phase. It is possible to process it either hot or cold.
    Applications Tonics, body-firming products, wound healing, and anti-aging skin care products typically contain gotu kola as an active component. Gotu Kola may aid in the toughening of skin cells, making them more resistant to drooping.
    Absorption rate Slow
    Strength Expensive
    Weaknesses Allergic responses are possible with any botanicals.
    Substitution Ashwagandha
    How to store it? Store in a sealed container at room temperature in a dry location.
    Shelf life The extract of gotu kola has a shelf life a year
    Type of ingredient Antioxidant
    Main benefits Reduces inflammation, improves wound healing, and corrects colour.
    Who should use it Anyone who has sensitive, dry, or irritated skin in general.
    How often can you use it? Start with a few times each week and gradually increase to everyday use.
    Works well with Glycerin with hyaluronic acid It can promote hydration and enhance the skin's capacity to retain water when used in conjunction with moisturisers.
    Doesn't work with NA
    How to use Add it to your formulation's water phase. It is possible to process it either hot or cold.

    Mechanisms of action

    However, it has made a comeback in the beauty world as one of the best components for slowing down the ageing process. Amino acids, beta carotene, fatty acids, and many phytochemicals abound in it. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, making it appropriate for all skin types. 

    Gotu kola is high in triternene saponins, a chemical that helps keep skin tight and firm, as well as flavonoids, which function as antioxidants and prevent free radical damage. Centella Asiatica is high in flavonoids and an active component called “Madecassoside,” both of which work as antioxidants to help neutralise free radical damage caused by exposure to the sun and pollution.

    They also help to preserve a young complexion by improving blood circulation and collagen and skin tissue formation. Collagen also helps to improve skin suppleness and minimise ageing indicators like wrinkles and fine lines.

    Benefits of Gotu kola extract

    The antioxidant content of gotu kola is very high.

    It improves your skin’s ability to fend against external stressors that might harm it, and it removes impurities that can cause premature ageing indications like dark spots, wrinkles, and dull skin.

    It has a purifying effect.

    It removes gunk and filth from your face, including grime, bacteria, and pore-clogging oil (thank goodness it’s in our gentle So Clean! cleanser).

    It has the ability to brighten, tighten, and smooth the skin.

    As a result, it can significantly minimise the appearance of scars, fine lines, and wrinkles. It’s also great for your eyes, which is why we put it in our Eyes Eyes Baby eye lotion because it helps to reduce the look of dark circles and puffiness. Overall, it will help you feel fresh-faced and fantastic by rejuvenating and revitalising your skin.

    It’s a fantastic sedative.

    Because of its relaxing effects, Gotu kola decreases transient redness and relieves discomfort linked with skin sensitivity. If you have sensitive skin, this is an excellent component to check for.

    It is an extremely effective hydration station.

    Gotu kola helps the skin maintain moisture and might help you attain that youthful, dewy sheen that can only be achieved by drinking enough of water. This is why it’s an important Crème de la Cream moisturiser component. The best approach to prevent common indications of ageing is to keep your skin hydrated.

    Side effects of Gotu kola extract

    Gotukola is usually considered to be safe for consumption. However, you should check your doctor before taking it internally because it is not a replacement for any prescription or procedure given by a doctor. Before you apply it, do a patch test on your elbow to see if you have any reactions.

    How to use it in formulation?

     For your skin to regain its suppleness and firmness, collagen production is essential. Gotu kola increases the formation of collagen. It also protects your skin from free radicals and UV rays. Gotu kola boosts collagen formation, which helps to prevent wrinkles, pigmentation, and other indications of ageing.” It’s also thought to aid with cellulite because of its firming properties.”Add it to your formulation’s water phase. It is possible to process it either hot or cold.

    Work well with other ingredients

    Gotu kola works well with Hyaluronic acid and glycerin When used in conjunction with moisturisers, it can improve hydration and the skin’s ability to retain water.

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